160x249 cm, offset, cover illustration + other illustrations
Värske Rõhk nr. 51 2017
Värske Rõhk is an magazine for contemporary Estonian literature containing prose, poems and interviews with authors.
I was responsible for the cover image and 8 other illustratsions in the magazine. More information here.
Evolution 2016
While as an intern at Tolm, I spent a month researching different steps of evolution and creating these small illustrations that would later be turned into an animated explainer video for an exhibition.
Plant Lovers I & II 2017
Plant Lovers series is a permanent work in progress series about people who love plants. Personal work.
Eleven from Stranger Things, 2017
Unfinished works
A3 poster
Poesin lever här 2015
A poster featuring houses around the Telefonplan area in Stockholm, Sweden.